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Found 25 Direct Employer jobs
A faculty position at the intersection of physical activity and brain/mental health is available at IU Indianapolis.
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Diany Paola Calderon lab at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City has an opening postdoctoral position in her laboratory. Research in the Caldero...
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Candidate conducting research in biomedical sciences with potential synergy to department research foci in cancer and neuroscience.
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The State University of New York, College of Optometry seeks outstanding researchers for tenure track faculty positions. Applicants must have a PhD...
Postdoctoral Research Associate opportunity is available in Yao Chen’s Lab in the Dept. of Neuroscience at Washington University, St Louis
The Department of Psychiatry and UIC Alcohol Research Center is seeking a basic and/or translational alcohol researcher with an interest in the mol...
Two postdoctoral scientist positions in a neuroscience lab at the University of Georgia
A faculty position at the intersection of physical activity and brain/mental health is available at IU Indianapolis.
Funded position combining ephys, imaging and circuit manipulation in neonatal mice in vivo to understand the role of thalamic circuits in development.
Multiple research scientist, postdoctoral scholar, and staff positions are available at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine...
Postdoctoral Associate in Neuroscience is available at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation &Technology in Jupiter, FL.
A postdoctoral position is available for researchers interested in neurophysiology and central regulation of cardiorespiratory and autonomic function.
Description The Division of Social Sciences at the University of Chicago invites applications for Instructional Professors (IP) in the MA progra...
At SpecialtyCare, you can convert neurophysiology skills developed in the lab into clinical skills that improve the lives of patients.
We are seeking an outstanding scientist to establish an independent competitive program in the areas of neurodevelopment as Principal Investigator.
Seeking outstanding research track record; A scholar with a record of peer reviewed publications; experience leading teams; budget & admin expertise
Candidate conducting research in biomedical sciences with potential synergy to department research foci in cancer and neuroscience.
Candidate researching brain health therapeutics with biomedical engineering & pharmaceutics approaches, in collaboration with Biomedical Engineering.
The Huston Lab is located within Columbia University's Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, which brings together world-class scien...
Postdoctoral Positions in Parkinson’s Disease Research at Georgetown University, Washington D.C
Title: Assistant / Associate / Full Professor (Open Track) Employee Classification: Associate Professor Campus: University of North Texas - Health ...
Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Scientist: Neural circuitry mediating increased feeding during lactation
Postdoctoral position to study the impact of experience-dependent plasticity on hippocampal function, with a focus on learning and memory.