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Stepping Out of the Lab to Prepare for Different Career Paths

Published on: Oct 15, 2020

There is a general consensus that we need to broaden neuroscience graduate training to prepare our students for different career paths. This may entail encouraging them to take non-traditional elective classes, attend workshops and meetings in diverse fields, and pursue internships and opportunities to get experience and make connections not available in a laboratory.

However, the vast majority of the careers our graduates will pursue have strong commonalities with the regular academic track.

They will need to be leaders, manage people on their team, have an excellent command of scientific principles, communicate clearly with scientists and non-scientists, perform their duties ethically, and, importantly, multitask to juggle the myriad disparate activities that form the core of their job.

Visit Neuronline to read an article by Ania Majewska on why students need customized educational experiences to prepare for unique career paths.